
Wilkinson Sword Pocket Pen Knife

Availability: In stock

Wilkinson Sword Pocket Pen Knife

This handy little pocket pen knife is the perfect constant tool companion. Ideal to carry with you at all times with your keys, in your pocket or glovebox so you are always prepared for life's little emergencies.

This tool includes:
1. Knife
2. Nail file
3. Nail cleaner
4. Key ring
5. Scissors

Wilkinson Sword's Explorer range of multi-tools, pocket pen knives and torches ensure that you can always be prepared for whatever comes your way. Their compact, versatile design means that you can have a handy toolkit available around the home or when exploring the great outdoors.


Weight: 0.031kg
Length: 56mm
Width: 16mm
Material: Stainless steel and aluminium